.. concepts .. _concepts: Concepts ======== .. note:: For simplicity, in this document we will prefer the Python blocking (synchronous) API. The asynchronous JavaScript and Python APIs are very similar. .. _outline: Outline ------- Typical Eider communication follows this basic pattern: 1. Establish a *connection*. 2. Create a remote *session* to contain object references. 3. Call a method on the *root object* of the session. 4. Call any other desired methods on the root object or on returned objects. 5. Close session(s) to reclaim memory. 6. Repeat 2-5 as desired. 7. (concurrently with 2-6) Execute any incoming method calls requested by the connection peer. 8. Close the connection. Steps 2-7 are entirely optional; remember, every Eider peer can be a consumer of remote APIs (i.e. a client), a provider of such APIs (i.e. a server), or both. To illustrate these steps, here is an example of a client: .. sourcecode:: python3 >>> from eider import BlockingConnection >>> conn = BlockingConnection('ws://localhost:12345/') # (1) >>> sess = conn.create_session() # (2) >>> oven = sess.root().new_Oven() # (3) >>> oven.cook('goose') # (4) 'your goose is cooked!' >>> sess.close() # (5) >>> conn.close() # (8) And here is a corresponding server: .. sourcecode:: python3 import eider class Oven(eider.LocalObject): def cook(self, thing): return 'your ' + thing + ' is cooked!' # (7) class OvenFactory(eider.LocalRoot): _newables = [Oven] eider.serve(12345, root=OvenFactory) .. _conn: Connection ---------- A ``Connection`` (or ``BlockingConnection``) object wraps a single WebSocket connection and handles the details of parsing incoming messages and dispatching them to the appropriate handlers. The only things that can be done with a ``Connection`` object after it is created are to create new sessions (local or remote), and to close the connection. Closing the connection also closes any related sessions. .. _sess: Session ------- A ``LocalSession`` is a container for objects that may be remotely accessed. A ``RemoteSession`` is a reference to a ``LocalSession`` provided by another peer. Typically, sessions are created by clients via ``Connection.create_session()``, but sessions may also be spontaneously created by servers via ``Connection.create_local_session()``. A ``BridgedSession`` is a special kind of ``RemoteSession`` that allows a peer `A` to access another peer `C` through an intermediate peer `B`. The bridge is created by the peer `B` by creating a ``Bridge`` object (typically in response to a request by `A`) and passing it back to `A` where it will be unmarshalled into a ``BridgedSession``. The session's primary purpose is to serve as a garbage collection mechanism. By maintaining a collection of all objects reachable by a client, the server can release resources when the client no longer needs them (either because the connection was dropped, or the session was explicitly closed). This also relieves most clients of the burden of having to explicitly release object references, while allowing them to maintain a long-lived connection. .. _root: Root Object ----------- Every session starts out with exactly one `root object` which serves as the origin for all further use of the session. In the above example, the root object is an instance of the ``OvenFactory`` class. In addition to providing its own methods, the root object may allow new objects to be created. In the above example, the special ``_newables`` class member specifies classes for which the Eider machinery will automatically create ``new_Foo()`` factory methods on the root object. The root object can also explicitly define methods that return new objects. The root object's lifetime coincides with that of its session. When the root object is released, its session is closed, and vice versa. .. _object: Objects ------- A ``LocalObject`` is a server-side object that lives within a ``LocalSession`` and may be remotely accessed. A ``RemoteObject`` is a client-side reference to a ``LocalObject`` provided by another peer. Objects are reference-counted, may be explicitly released, and are implicitly cleaned up when the session in which they were created is closed. Object class definitions follow the normal syntax, semantics, and conventions of their host languages, with one important proviso: any property or method that begins with an underscore (``_``) will be not be remotely accessible. This rule allows objects to protect private internal data from remote clients. :ref:`Accessors ` may be defined to give access to internal data. Every object inherits a few basic methods: .. py:method:: LocalObject.addref() Increment the object's reference count. It should almost never be necessary to explicitly call this method. .. py:method:: LocalObject.release() Decrement the object's reference count. It should almost never be necessary to explicitly call this method. .. py:method:: LocalObject.help() LocalObject..help() Get documentation for the object or one of its methods. In Python, this returns the docstring; in JavaScript, it returns the class's or method's ``help`` property, if any. .. py:method:: LocalObject.dir() Get a list of names of the object's methods. .. py:method:: LocalObject.taxa() Get a list of names of the object's base classes. .. py:method:: LocalObject..signature() Get the type signature of a method. This uses `PEP 484 `_-style type hints in Python. The JavaScript implementation only returns basic information. Instances of ``RemoteObject``, in addition to allowing the methods of the referenced object to be called, have this local method: .. py:method:: RemoteObject._close() Release the object without waiting for garbage collection. This guards against double-releasing and gracefully handles dropped connections. This should normally be called instead of directly calling ``release()``. Despite the leading underscore in the name, client code may call this function. The underscore merely exists to differentiate this from a remote method. Both ``LocalObject`` and ``RemoteObject`` also support the context manager protocol, so they can be used in the ``with`` statement in Python and ``Eider.using()`` in JavaScript. (In Python 3.5+, ``async with`` should be used for improved behavior.) In environments where `finalizers `_ are available (e.g. Python, Node.js with the `weak `_ package), ``RemoteObject._close()`` will be automatically called when the ``RemoteObject`` is garbage-collected. In other environments (e.g. standard JavaScript in the browser), if a ``RemoteObject`` becomes unreachable without ``_close()`` having been called, a remote resource leak may occur until the corresponding remote session is closed. .. _native: Native Objects -------------- Every connection includes a built-in ``NativeSession`` object (which uses the reserved ``lsid`` of ``-1``). This session is useful for marshalling "native" functions and objects (objects which do not inherit from ``LocalObject``). The ability to pass native objects to Eider APIs can simplify client code, because callback functions do not have to be housed within ``LocalObject`` definitions. However, native objects do not benefit from the reference-counting and automatic session cleanup that ``LocalObject`` provides. Every time a native object is marshalled, a new reference to it is created that will survive for the life of the connection unless the remote peer closes the corresponding ``RemoteObject``. This could result in local memory leaks if callbacks are passed many times over the same connection. .. _call: Method Calls ------------ In the Python blocking API (where ``BlockingConnection``, ``BlockingSession``, and ``BlockingObject`` are substituted for ``Connection``, ``RemoteSession``, and ``RemoteObject``), remote method calls block until a value is returned or an exception is raised. In the asynchronous APIs, each method call returns a Future (Python) or Promise (JavaScript) representing the eventual result or exception. These objects are equipped with a ``cancel()`` method that can be used to send a :ref:`cancellation request ` for the call.